Shipping policy
Customs and import taxes
Classicsjewelrygifts does not accept order cancellations after the order has been shipped.
Classicsjewelrygifts is not responsible for lost or damaged packages. Once your order has shipped through USPS or UPS, it is out of our control if your package never arrives. Please check with your neighbors to see if they received the package in error or check with your local USPS or UPS with your tracking number for further assist you. Our shop is not responsible for any LOST or STOLEN packages by the CARRIER. In that case, you will need to contact them directly with your tracking number.
You must include your Full address, please don't forget your house/ apartment number/ unit number/ etc. In order for items to be forwarded to the buyer after they have been returned to the sender, there is an additional shipping fee.
Classicsjewelrygifts is not responsible for allergies/ injuries.
Classicsjewelrygifts has the right to refuse service and prohibit individuals from purchasing with Classicsjewelrygifts.
If your item(s) arrives damaged/defective or if you receive the wrong item(s), please contact us immediately and include a photo of the damaged/defective and/or wrong item(s) for faster processing time.
All customs orders are not refundable unless they arrive damaged or defective.